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Can You Beat Borderlands 2 WITHOUT Guns?

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Btw, not using or mentioning Zero was on purpose. I know it could easily be done with him πŸ™‚ Meat bicycling is better

With Borderlands 3 on the horizon, I decided to give a challenge in Borderlands 2 a shot. Although, guns are the main take in Borderlands 2, I decided to say frick that, lets not use guns. Not a single one at all. It is very possible that I am mentally ill, and this challenge took a lot longer than I thought it would have. But stay tuned because today we will answer a question NO ONE has ever asked… Can you Beat Borderlands 2 without guns?

I am sorry if this isnt what is normally posted on the channel, but today I decided it was time for something different! I had a lot of fun making this video and let me know if you guys are interested in more Borderlands content! Stay tune for more aids!

The royalty free music in this video came from an awesome website named Bensound!

#canyoubeat #borderlands #borderlands2 #borderlands3

If you got a moment, check out my other videos! πŸ™‚

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Can You Beat Borderlands 2 WITHOUT Guns? Text version:

With Borderlands 3 on the horizon, i decided it was time to answer a question no one has ever
asked. Borderlands 2 has everything. It has guns, it has cool cars, it has midgets, i means who
doesnt like midgets, it has oo- ohh.(show ellie) It has guns.
Being the god father of looter shooters this game, has made us realize the boners that come
from opening up a loot chest and seeing that spicy spicy loot. It has also made us realize
something else, that we really freaking want guns with legs. But what if we did what no sane person would ever think of?
Can you Beat Borderlands 2 without guns?
I know, borderlands is all about the fire power baby. That stuff is more abundant than my
grandpas naughty stache my mom never let me get close to but This run we wont use a single
firearn to kill our enemies. We will be going the other route. Lets throw down some epic rules, for you epic freaking gamers.
Rule 1. I can only use grenades, melee and my ultimate this run. If my ultimate involves me using
a gun, than that is a big naughty no no and im gunna get spanked. even though
ya know id kinda like i
Rule 2. Relics and shields that do damage are allowed.
Rule 3. The starter pistol will be my currently equipped weapon since i cant go in bare in
Borderlands. I can use my gun when absolutely needed like knocking down a latter but other
than that no shooting enemies.
Now that the rules have been set, lets get to work gentleman. We got bread to obtain.
Now that the run has started, you guys may be thinking, who will i pick this run? Maybe Axton for
his turret? Oh actually maybe Gaige for that sweet sweet booty tenderizing mech. Dont make me
laugh kids. If you watch my videos, you know exactly who we’re going for.
Cristian scene
You see i feel like i connect with krieg. Not only does he make my nipples straight up lactate, but with his ult, he can literally clap and separate butt cheeks like a different kind of red sea. Plus the other vault hunters would be a little too easy.
I named him after a guy with a super awesome really long name and our journey started with me meeting a cute little robot. For the beginning of this run, melee is the only thing I’ll have.
I pushed through playing chad patty cake with a couple of baddies and enjoyed my time on
pandora. The first mini boss was up ahead. And I was ready to school his ass. During this fight
was when I realized that you can still melee in last stand. Something i didn’t know, because


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