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Crea ya tu página web en Hostinger (Usa el código MERLUSO para un 10% adicional): https://www.hostinger.com/merluso ———————————————————————————– 👇 ENCUENTRA MI CONTENIDO EN 👇 🔴 Canal Secundario: @MerlusoTV 🟣 Twitch: https://twitch.tv/merlusottv 🔵 Twitter: https://twitter.com/MerlusoTTV 🐒 Discord: [More]
Prenez un abonnement NordVPN: https://nordvpn.com/sheshou 4 mois offerts sur un abonnement de 2ans. Ma chaîne secondaire: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjkfbqVQcXyW2OfJm81og7w ✎ Mes réseaux sociaux ✎ Mon Instagram: http://instagram.com/sheshounay Mon Twitter: http://twitter.fr/sheshounet — Je suis très actif! ❤ ☏ [More]
🎪𝔸𝕟𝕚𝕞𝕚𝕤𝕥 – – – “Animist” is a person who believes that every material thing has a soul; a human being that worships Animism. In this channel, we bring lifeless objects to life. 🎪𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪 – – [More]
A side-by-side comparison between Tekken characters from the games and the 2010 movie.
I can’t think of proper titles so I’ll put random thoughts of the day as a title and hope it sounds deep. Thumbnail Art is by Orinte! (https://twitter.com/oriinte) ★Twitter: https://twitter.com/ninomaeinanis This game is being streamed [More]
STRIIMI ALKAA KOHDASSA 3:53! Snufkin: Melody of Moominvalley on vihdoin täällä! Pelataan siis Muumilaakson omalla vapaustaistelijalla, Nuuskamuikkusella, ja revitään Puistonvartijan levittelemiä kieltotauluja ja tuodaan rauha takaisin laaksoon! Eiköhän katsota millainen tämä täysin uusi Muumipeli on, [More]
I’ve never talked about it, but I love moomin hehe Assets / fv_sa_ – ✦✦✦ – 『 Streamlabs Donations 』 https://streamlabs.com/ukivioletanijisanjien/tip 『 Join the Ukiverse! 』 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChJ5FTsHOu72_5OVx0rvsvQ/join 『 Merch 』 https://nijisanji-store.com/collections/uki-violeta 『 Re: Fan Mail [More]
A thanks to the publisher of Snufkin: Melody of Moominvalley for sponsoring this one – go check that out here: U.K: https://www.nintendo.co.uk/Games/Nintendo-Switch-download-software/Snufkin-Melody-of-Moominvalley-2524676.html U.S: – https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/snufkin-melody-of-moominvalley-switch/ Snufkin: Melody of Moominvalley recently released on the Nintendo Switch [More]
✦ Editointi: Satu ( someissa: Saizux ) https://satuneditointi.wixsite.com/portfolio ✦ Pikkukuvan piirustus by: Inka (IG: Valehiisi) https://www.instagram.com/valehiisi KATSO SEURAAVAKSI: ► SNUFKIN Muumilaakson Melodia soittolista: https://bit.ly/4a6ERvU ► Meidän Among Us pelailua uusimmassa sieni mapissa: https://youtu.be/StqGHIYdY3o ► Kaikki [More]
△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽ メンバーシップ🍟せなくま倶楽部🧸 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEo_aE–sQXoB59fmwUSMYA/join Twitter: @senakumadesu  https://twitter.com/senakumadesu instagram:@senakumadesu  https://www.instagram.com/senakumadesu/ Tiktok:@senakumadesu.game 【マイデザゼロ!洋風な島 | ちょこれい島🍫💛 】 島紹介動画はこちら🌈 【https://youtu.be/pQYaX6YT2dk】 夢見番地:DA-0402-0171-7825 もしよかったらTwitterなどでメンションいただけると嬉しいです🥺🍒 (おこがましいですが密かに楽しみにしています…🥺) △▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽△▽ あつ森 島紹介動画 【第一期】ナチュラルテイストのマイデザ少なめ島 https://youtu.be/6wsvgCzjPdE 【第二期】マイデザ無しで作った洋風な島 https://youtu.be/pQYaX6YT2dk あつ森 人気の島クリ動画 海辺の街並みを島クリエイト【マイデザ無しの島作り】 https://youtu.be/dTsIb9FdnG0 露天風呂のある和風庭園を島クリエイト https://youtu.be/_e8xleXX3b8 あつ森 離島ガチャ総集編 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX1m4t4XdIVrS5eXd3Y81Dt8RLbJvFqEz 実写動画 [More]
Nightingale (PC) is a new early access survival game with an interesting twist. How is it so far? Here are some first impressions. Subscribe for more: http://youtube.com/gameranxtv ▼ Watch more ‘Before You Buy’: https://bit.ly/2kfdxI6
Get Nightingale now here: https://playngale.com/Floydson and you too can have a glorious mustache I played 100% of Nightingale (so far) and here’s what happened. if you’d like to support my content, become a channel member [More]
The bad ass main theme but only the best part! I do not own anything in this video, I’ve only looped a part of the song.
This is a video game playthrough not the Two Towers movie Commentary begins at 26:26 One of my favourite games growing up. Was great fun playing through it again.
Hyenas is coming to PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X. A release date was not announced. Earth is gone, the rich have colonised Mars and the rest of humanity [More]
Play FREE This New Extraction FPS Game – HYENAS HYENAS is Brand New Sci-Fi Extraction Looter Shooter FPS Game, Set in Space at Zero Gravity Join Beta by just clicking on Request Access Button on [More]
On se retrouve pour un Gameplay FR (videotest) de Hyenas, le FPS de SEGA Mon Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quostat/ Ma chaîne live Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/mrquoty Mon Twitter : https://twitter.com/#!/MrQuoty Mon discord: https://discord.gg/bvFT77N L’adresse Postale pour envoyer vos lettres [More]
Combattez en Zéro-G ! Découvrez le trailer d’annonce de HYENAS, un nouveau jeu de Creative Assembly, prévu pour toutes les plateformes. Présenté par @PlayHyenas
Flintlock: The Siege Of Dawn is shaping into one of the more unusual action adventures we’ve played in a while: a world where you slay the gods with Napoleonic pistols, duel in rhythmic combat and [More]
Word is spreading that Sweet Baby Inc Detected has caught another fly in its web. Another game has been found to have been worked on by Sweet Baby Inc – Flintlock: Siege of Dawn. The [More]
Join composer Eric Hillman for a behind-the-scenes look at Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn and deep dive into the music of the upcoming action-RPG souls-lite adventure. Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn will be available on [More]
You remember the original Max Payne from 2001, right? Well, El Paso Elsewhere is a love letter to that game as it features the same iconic gameplay, but the story is reminiscent of Shakespeares Romeo [More]
Take a deeper look into “El Paso, Elsewhere,” the latest Max Payne style game, with Barely Magic Mike. Join him as he discusses the graphics, mechanics, sound design and overall thoughts on this new title! [More]
Watch the FULL video at https://youtu.be/ZF12_Jv2AsA Get the game at https://store.steampowered.com/app/1546310/?snr=1_5_9__205 Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/derangutang Follow me at https://twitter.com/Rangutang
BANNANA TRIVIA: Por una paleta, ¿cómo se llama este personaje?¿Cuáles son los 5 personajes o clases dentro de Diablo IV? ¿Cuál es el uso de este objeto dentro del juego? ¿Ya estas suscrito a charly [More]
*Main channel:* @TBSkyen || *Let’s plays:* @2BSkyen || *Twitch:* /tbskyen || *Support my work on Patreon / tbskyen, or on ko-fi / tbskyen* || Find me as TBSkyen on Bluesky (s**tposting) || I am ohnoitstbskyen [More]
Hello guys. Im a Youtuber with a passion for HorrorGames, but who also play other games as well. Try to be as thourough as I can, and I dont like to skip things. If that [More]
Hello guys. Welcome back to Alan Wake 2. First of all, Merry Christmas to you all, whenever you celebrate it. Im a Youtuber with a passion for HorrorGames, but who also play other games as [More]
AHHHHH I CALLED PETROGLYPH STUDIOS PARADOX CALL IT OFF THE VIDEO IS RUINED Blah Blah Links To Stuff: -My Daily Upload Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@GiantGrantGamesArchives/videos -I Stream On Friday-Saturday-Sunday: https://www.twitch.tv/giantgrantgames -You can support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GiantGrantGames [More]
Cheers to the haters for blowing up my numbers! Lmao. Thnxbbs! 🧡 (P.S. Yes—I know. And, *if* I didn’t—I DEFINITELY would after the first 100 people said it, eh? Listennn: I may be brain dead [More]
https://store.playstation.com/concept/233288 WRATH: Aeon of Ruin, the dark fantasy horror FPS inspired by the original QUAKE, leaves a trail of blood as it launches on PlayStation 4|5! Dive into the next old-school, pulse-pounding FPS from the [More]
2023年2月23日発売予定 海戦シミュレーションPRG『トルトゥーガ パイレーツ テイル』 【PS4®/PS5™】https://bit.ly/3EYIO8O 今日からキミは、富と栄光を渇望する海賊船団のキャプテン 武器や装甲を施した船に自慢の海賊旗を掲げ、略奪の航海へと旅立とう 目指すは、だれもが恐れるカリブの絶対王者「キング・オブ・パイレーツ」だ! 【主な特徴】 ◆海戦:ターン制バトルで熟考の一手を打て! 海賊船団を率いて財宝船団や商船、集落を襲撃し、その悪名を轟かそう。ヘックスのグリッド上での海戦は、敵の戦闘力やリスクとリターンを考慮した位置取りと決断が重要 ◆船のカスタマイズ:艦隊を整備・武装せよ! 船の状態はHPや移動範囲、武器の性能に直結。整備とアップグレードで来たる海戦に備えよう ◆乗組員のマネジメント:「海賊の掟」を優位に使え! 手に入れた富は山分けするのが海賊の掟であり、クルーのモチベーションに直結。破れば船団乗っ取りの事態にも ◆海賊伝説:黒ひげと危機一髪!?伝説の海賊と対峙せよ! 冒険の途中には伝説の海賊との出会いが待っている。敵対するか、味方にするか。さぁ、キミならどうする? ————————————————- 【製品情報】 タイトル:『トルトゥーガ パイレーツ テイル』 対応機種:PlayStation®5、PlayStation®4 発売日:2023年2月23日(木)発売予定 ジャンル: 海戦シミュレーションRPG プレイ人数: オフライン1人 言語仕様: 字幕(日本語/英語) 音声(日本語/英語) CERO: B 販売元: Kalypso Media Japan株式会社 [More]
А вот и новый видос! Даже и года не прошло, а он уже вышел 😉 Сегодня, я вам расскажу о 15 ШИКАРНЫХ игр, в тематике пиратов, подобрать игры, получилось довольно разнообразные, так что, я думаю [More]
⚡️🧟⚡️Get 20% OFF ► @GFUEL with promo code ANGRYJOE at https://gfuel.ly/3dw4hGq AngryJoe has the final say and Reviews Rocksteady’s latest DC Superhero Live-Service Looter Shooter set in the Arkham Universe. Has the wait been worth [More]