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LIMIT | Sanity's Edge Yaseyla HM in 3:32 | Arcanist Portal Tanking

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I generally don’t upload POVs, but it’s become a tradition for me to upload at least one VOD from each team I’ve raided with. Unfortunately, LIMIT’s time is drawing to a close, with various members needing to leave due to IRL considerations. I’m tremendously proud and thankful to this team for all we’ve achieved, which include sweeping all the trial World Records in a big way.

Here’s some footage I recorded when testing some changes to my Sanity’s Edge Helper addon. This was LIMIT’s first week messing around in Sanity’s Edge after the trifecta was achieved. It’s by no means our fastest fight (Xavier DCed), but one of the only runs I recorded.

Here, I showcase using the Arcanist as a main tank on the Yaseyla HM fight, using portals as a way to kite the firebombs. Kiting the firebombs far away from the group like this provides full freedom of movement in a large area around the boss while keeping the boss centered and stacked on wamasus. This simplifies the handling of many mechanics and for the OT and I to mostly manage the archers ourselves.

The panel and firebombs timer comes from the Sanity’s Edge Helper addon I created, which is available as an official addon on ESOUI and Minion.

5x Saxhleel’s Champion
5x Turning Tide
1x Spaulder of Ruin
1x Magma Incarnate


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