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Lost Ark ~ The Ultimate Paladin Guide | ALL You Need to Know for PVE | Skills, Stats, Engravings…

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Paladin Levelling Build: https://foundark.com/build-planner?buildId=D2BACD90-BCAE-65CB-3F0E-4D2D0FDB99EC

Paladin Support Raid Build (low sp): https://foundark.com/build-planner?buildId=D836961B-7D4C-30D0-3617-C7AB4E33EB74

Paladin Chaos Dungeon Build (low sp): https://foundark.com/build-planner?buildId=9E45C47D-EDA7-32BA-C771-844B18495049

Paladin Founder Skin Showcase (used in the Video): https://youtu.be/_X2Hj_yxCLo

Thank you in general to www.papunika.com because I used a lot of pictures from the website.

🚩Grab Exitlag at https://exitl.ag/fox and use code “Fox” for 20% off!🚩

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Here it finally is, right before the NA/EU Launch. Be prepared with my Ultimate Paladin Guide for Lost Ark. This guide covers, or rather should be covering all you need to know about Paladin. I have over 9 months of experience on this class and finally decided it would be a good time to share it with my fellow Paladin mains or aspired mains. I hope you exactly know what to look forward to with your Paladin in Arkesia.

#LostArk #Paladin #HolyKnight #Guide

00:00 Intro
00:46 TLDR Paladin
02:06 Skill Showcase & Explanation
17:22 Possible Skillbuilds
19:16 Basic Combat / Playstyle
19:55 Stats
20:49 Engravings
26:33 Tier 1 Cheatsheet
27:24 Cards
28:45 Having Paladin as an Alt
29:31 Hybrid Paladin
30:10 Dps Paladin
32:10 Solo Content on Paladi
33:08 Outro – Finishing Valtan HARDMODE solo ez pz


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