nintendo leak emily rogers who has shared some big nintendo switch leaks in the past has some intersting works on new nintendo switch games and how nintendo is holding back 2023 nintendo switch games! recently, the september 2022 nintendo direct held pikmin 4 and the legend of zelda breath fo the wild 2 tears of the kingdom. but thats all we know about nintendo 2023.
metroid prime 4 was not at the new nintendo direct nor where the legend of zelda twlight princess, metroid prime 1 or the legend of zelda wind waker. this begs the question, is nintendo stacking up new nintend switch games and holding back on release until games like bayonneta 3, splatoon 3, xenobalde chronicle 3 and other new switch games have had thier time to shine. will we get the next nintendo direct in February to set up more games that are zelda,metroid, metroid prime, dinkey kong, super mario or even the loz?
the current nintendo switch rumors and nintendo switch leaks for nintendo 2023 say that games like a new donkey kong switch, wind waker switch, twlight princcess switch, game cube switch leaks and other cool rumors and stuff should be happening. so maybe nintendo holding all of these for nintendo 2023 and nintendo 2024! who know maybe we will get a nintendo switch 2 or nintendo switch pro.
we talk about all this here on robo rob gaming where we talk about the latest nintendo news, nintendo leaks and nintendo rumors. for more nintendo switch news, leaks and rumors and PlayStation and xbox videos subscribe to robo rob gamign today for more gaming topics and gaming news.
#nintendo #nintendoswitch #zelda #mario #metroid #donkeykong
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