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https://store.playstation.com/concept/233288 WRATH: Aeon of Ruin, the dark fantasy horror FPS inspired by the original QUAKE, leaves a trail of blood as it launches on PlayStation 4|5! Dive into the next old-school, pulse-pounding FPS from the [More]
2023年2月23日発売予定 海戦シミュレーションPRG『トルトゥーガ パイレーツ テイル』 【PS4®/PS5™】https://bit.ly/3EYIO8O 今日からキミは、富と栄光を渇望する海賊船団のキャプテン 武器や装甲を施した船に自慢の海賊旗を掲げ、略奪の航海へと旅立とう 目指すは、だれもが恐れるカリブの絶対王者「キング・オブ・パイレーツ」だ! 【主な特徴】 ◆海戦:ターン制バトルで熟考の一手を打て! 海賊船団を率いて財宝船団や商船、集落を襲撃し、その悪名を轟かそう。ヘックスのグリッド上での海戦は、敵の戦闘力やリスクとリターンを考慮した位置取りと決断が重要 ◆船のカスタマイズ:艦隊を整備・武装せよ! 船の状態はHPや移動範囲、武器の性能に直結。整備とアップグレードで来たる海戦に備えよう ◆乗組員のマネジメント:「海賊の掟」を優位に使え! 手に入れた富は山分けするのが海賊の掟であり、クルーのモチベーションに直結。破れば船団乗っ取りの事態にも ◆海賊伝説:黒ひげと危機一髪!?伝説の海賊と対峙せよ! 冒険の途中には伝説の海賊との出会いが待っている。敵対するか、味方にするか。さぁ、キミならどうする? ————————————————- 【製品情報】 タイトル:『トルトゥーガ パイレーツ テイル』 対応機種:PlayStation®5、PlayStation®4 発売日:2023年2月23日(木)発売予定 ジャンル: 海戦シミュレーションRPG プレイ人数: オフライン1人 言語仕様: 字幕(日本語/英語) 音声(日本語/英語) CERO: B 販売元: Kalypso Media Japan株式会社 [More]
А вот и новый видос! Даже и года не прошло, а он уже вышел 😉 Сегодня, я вам расскажу о 15 ШИКАРНЫХ игр, в тематике пиратов, подобрать игры, получилось довольно разнообразные, так что, я думаю [More]
⚡️🧟⚡️Get 20% OFF ► @GFUEL with promo code ANGRYJOE at https://gfuel.ly/3dw4hGq AngryJoe has the final say and Reviews Rocksteady’s latest DC Superhero Live-Service Looter Shooter set in the Arkham Universe. Has the wait been worth [More]
Suicide Squad Is Scared Of Joker – Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League #suicidesquadkillthejusticeleague #suicidesquad #killthejusticeleague #justiceleague #joker #thejoker #harleyquinn Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP6ETcTrCB3niaDYG2cdpGw/join
Boomerang Predicts Arkham Flash #suicidesquad #shorts #justiceleague #harleyquinn #injustice2 #superman #thejoker #dc #theflash #batman #dccomics #wonderwoman #nightwing #teentitans In this short I recorded and edited, Harley Quinn, King Shark, Deadshot, Boomerang (Suicide Squad) predicts The [More]
This Clip is taken from Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice league This video will showcase a scene from Season 1 where Joker shoots everyone after being rescued by the Suicide Squad Suicide Squad: Kill the [More]
Replaced CHARLES With POPY PLAYTIME 😰 Choo Choo Charles 😱 #shorts #choochoocharles #technogamerz
Made with Sekiro Enemy and Item Randomizer: https://www.nexusmods.com/sekiro/mods/543
LEAVE A LIKE if you enjoyed this NOT redstone video! Today we take a look at what Minecraft would be like if we replaced all redstone wires with Minecart rails! It’s a challenge! The Mumbo [More]
Minecraft Legends – All Bosses & Ending Gameplay Walkthrough Full Game No Commentary PlayStation 5 (PS5) , XBOX or PC in 4K 60FPS (2023). 0:00 Intro 3:49 Night Beacon Base 16:04 The Devourer 30:05 The [More]
Hey guys, I’m back with another video! This time its types of Urban Legends portrayed by Minecraft! Be sure to like and subscribe if you enjoy! 🔥Get your Dayum Plushie here: http://dayum.junipercreates.com/ Official Merch Store: [More]
Download Monster Legends and start collecting the new walking dead monsters. Claim your starter pack of 20,000 Food, 100,000 Gold, 3 gems, and Mothman! https://monsterlegends.onelink.me/X4Sc/october2022 🛠️ Team Workshop: – Wither (Development) – MoonRay, Endergy (Models [More]
Coming to PC, consoles and Xbox Game Pass in spring 2020. Sign up to learn more at https://minecraft.net/dungeons Fight your way through an all-new action-adventure game, inspired by classic dungeon crawlers and set in the [More]
Gameplay ZERO GRAVITÉ pour le nouveau FPS Hyenas ! Le TRAILER… ABONNE-TOI ► https://bit.ly/361z4th (↓ déroule la description ↓ ) === RETROUVE LE FLASH SUR LES RÉSEAUX SOCIAUX === INSTAGRAM ► https://www.instagram.com/jeuxvideoflash TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/flashJeuxVideo [More]
The Closed Beta for Creative Assembly’s new hero-based, multiplayer extraction shooter, HYENAS published by SEGA is now live! We got some really cool Sonic themed skins and weapon charms in this game. Here are all [More]
#SweetBabyInc #Gaming #FlintlockSeigeOfDawn New Game Flintlock: Siege Of Dawn Manager MELTSDOWN After Getting Added To Sweet Baby Inc Detected: https://youtu.be/z4xZfzQS5NY ★ Best Way To Support The Channel: https://www.patreon.com/varadark ★ Second Best Way To Support The [More]
#SweetBabyInc #Gaming #FlintlockSeigeOfDawn ★ Best Way To Support The Channel: https://www.patreon.com/varadark ★ Second Best Way To Support The Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcrXOqPJU1uaXJLlH2ZYvtQ/join ► Streamlabs Donations: https://streamlabs.com/darktitangaming ► PayPal Donations: Varadark@darktitanenterprises.com ► Amazon Wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3K7E01J51UAS?ref_=wl_share ► X / [More]
Join animation director Matthew Wood at A44 for a deep dive into the combat system of Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn, including a look at traversal movement options and more from the upcoming souls-lite RPG. [More]
Directo patrocinado por Focus Entertainment, para más info de Atlas Fallen pulsa aquí: https://bit.ly/3rMokvJ ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/EvilAFM ►Twitch.tv: http://www.twitch.tv/alexelcapo 🔥 Juegos y Tarjetas Prepago Más Baratas: https://ene.ba/alexelcapo NUEVO PC CPU: i9 12900k RAM: 64gb (2x32gb) DDR5 [More]
RUN BRO | Unknowns Mod Part 18 | Resident Evil 4 Remake #residentevil#horrorgaming #residentevil4 #shorts
Follow My Socials: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/adamzeu TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@adamz.eu? Twitter: https://twitter.com/AdamzEU Lord Voldemort vs Sebastian in Hogwarts Legacy 😈 #hogwartslegacy #hogwarts #shorts
Tomato plays Witchfire Air Date…………………….➤Apr 10, 2024 Stream Title………………➤Sprinting right up to a witch and punching them in the throat to stop their horrid incantations (Huge Update) SUBSCRIBE……………….➤https://bit.ly/2Zv5PZw Tomato’s Youtube………➤https://bit.ly/2Yb4Tcg Tomato’s Twitch………..➤http://www.twitch.tv/tomato Tomato’s Twitter………..➤https://twitter.com/Tomato_Gaming VODS [More]
TESLAGRAD 2 gameplay contains a full story walkthrough of the game. To see other parts of TESLAGRAD 2 gameplay check out the playlist. Lumina, a young Teslamancer, finds herself stranded after her airship crash lands [More]
📹 Description #Shorts • #StreetFighter6 Chun-Li does her epic #WinPose and it’s on PC max settings so it’s in slow motion for all the viewers 📱 Socials Khi Turner (Main Channel): https://www.youtube.com/@KhiTurner ReSquared (Podcast Channel): [More]
No Up? We took Up off of the stick and put it on a button. This Disjointed Lever profile helps stop accidental jumps and creates new ways to perform moves. Now equipped with SOCD True [More]
Street Fighter Chun-Li Win Poses SF2 Vs SF6 #StreetFighter6 #Shorts ~~~Support The Channel~~~ ☑️ Click the Link to Support! ➡➡➡ https://bit.ly/3yJSD6L 👍 Leave a Like! 🔔 Click the Bell for Notifications! 🎬 Street Fighter 6 [More]
POV: You Let That One Friend Build The Home Base! #nomanssky #nms #short #shorts #nomansky Subscribe To Q Ball Gaming https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9vqxBpD1w56Yi3F9c1jsSw?sub_confirmation=1
Check out the game for Yourself: https://bit.ly/InsymShadows #ad Join the Twitch chat over here: https://www.twitch.tv/insym Twitter: https://twitter.com/InsymTtv Discord: https://discord.gg/insym Suggest Games for me to Play Here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScnze199-r7Qb6H79DRb3HCjI0dcRk94NVbUemC1mbyH2pUxA/viewform
Welcome to Shadows of Doubt! In this video we are starting a brand new series on the NEW update of this game. This is one of my favorite games of all times and I love [More]
👏Check Out My Podcast: http://hyperurl.co/ForeheadFables 👏Music by Jippy: http://hyperurl.co/q548td 👏Starring: @Stalltt @13Snaff @Swiftuu @fungletoe776 Game: Shadows of Doubt Merch► https://www.shekelscheme.com Twitch► https://www.twitch.tv/generalsam123 Discord►https://discord.gg/qNT4mGD Twitter► https://www.twitter.com/GeneralSamsSec Instagram► @GeneralSam123 0:00 – humble beginnings 1:47 – ending domestic [More]
Asmongold Clips / Asmongold Reacts To: Microsoft has closed Redfall’s Arkane Austin, HiFi Rush’s Tango Gameworks, and more in devastating cuts at Bethesda On this Asmongold Clips Youtube Channel you’ll never quit finding all the [More]
Hit that like button and subscribe if you want want more! Be sure to check out the links below! Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/diplexheated Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/DiplexHeated Website: https://www.diplexheated.com/
Первая часть – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3CrfFUOSSA Мой бусти – https://boosty.to/guzno_ Трово для кинца – https://trovo.live/_GUZNO_ Телега – https://t.me/+4hmx118tS082ZDcy Паблик – https://vk.com/baldejnoe_logovo Привет, сегодня Lies of P. Lies of P. Настало время заделать прохождение Lies of P. В [More]
Songs from the game Lies of P © 2023 Neowiz. All rights reserved. All Songs 1 – Shadow Flower [0:00:00] 2 – Misty E’rA [0:03:40] 3 – Fascination [0:07:19] 4 – Feel [0:11:34] 5 – [More]