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STAR WARS: THE OLD REPUBLIC Full Movie 8K 60FPS Upscaled (Remastered with Machine Learning AI) UHD

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STAR WARS: THE OLD REPUBLIC Full Movie 8K 60FPS Upscaled (Remastered with Machine Learning AI) UHD

Star Wars The Old Republic All Cinematic Trailers

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Links to Source Trailers if you want to see what they originally looked liked on their own:

Return Cinematic Trailer – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mm4JEZudf0c
Hope Cinematic Trailer – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ToztqqDcaY
Deceived Cinematic Trailer – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdgmH9Vv2-I
Sacrifice Cinematic Trailer – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nzq9epS2b1A
Betrayed Cinematic Trailer – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbpDxrew4A0

You can check out more of our upscales here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1cvljv8vQmSY7hiOYakYG98r_RA8ppTv

I used Gigapixel AI to upscale and enhance the original videos, and we feel the results are quite good. I also used DAIN to make the original 30 frame videos into 60 frames per second (one of them was original 24fps and we interpolated it to 48fps). If you’re watching on a phone then you’re likely won’t see too much of a difference, but if you’re on a desktop or tv and are watching in 2K, 4k or 8K you should see a stark difference, especially if you click on the original videos after to see how grainy and blurry they look now on modern monitors. Even if you don’t have an 4K or 8K monitor, you can still click on those options to get a better bitrate and quality. The only issue is you might get frame lag. If that’s the case you might want to check your settings on Chrome to see if you have hardware acceleration on, in many cases that will help with the lag. Let us know what other upscales you’d like to see. Hope you enjoy!

00:00 Return
06:01 Hope
11:01 Deceived
14:14 Sacrifice
18:10 Betrayed
24:05 Return Comparison With Original
29:52 Hope Comparison With Original
34:51 Deceived Comparison With Original
38:03 Sacrifice Comparison With Original
42:00 Betrayed Comparison With Original
47:54 Outro

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