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We test out one of the North Africa missions in Company of Heroes 3, taking control of Rommel & Co. in Relic Entertainment’s dual-campaign WWII RTS. IGN has exclusive coverage of Company of Heroes 3 [More]
Want more? Visit: http://dateyourgame.com/theatre-of-war-2/ This is the first US mission of Theatre of War 2 Africa 1943. This mission of Theatre of War 2 Africa 1943 puts you in charge of the defense of a [More]
Skull and Bones Closed Beta will run from August 25th to August 28th 2023! Register now: https://ubi.li/L56nV @HomeFreeGuys – Skull and Bones (Original Music from Skull and Bones) is OUT NOW! Stream it HERE: https://ffm.to/hf6122023 [More]
Experience the sweeping desert combat, new factions, and the compelling story all offered by our North African Operation. Pre-Order now: https://www.companyofheroes.com/ Releases, November 17th 2022.
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We took a deep-dive hands-on with Company of Heroes 3’s North Africa campaign and found it to be deep, engaging, and wholly unique from the Mediterranean Theater. Previewed by Leana Hafer.