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Let’s Play Demon’s Souls Part 1. While we wait for Dark Souls 2, I’ve decided to try some Demon’s Souls! What’s a nexus?! http://bit.ly/SubToMrOdd or http://bit.ly/MrOddTwitter Mr. Odd Plays Demon’s Souls: http://bit.ly/letsplaydemonssouls Mr. Odd Plays [More]
LET THE SUFFERING COMMENCE! My first ever run of Elden Ring. How bad can it be? Supporting me on Patreon is hugely appreciated and if you’d like to do that you can do so here [More]
LET THE SUFFERING COMMENCE! My first ever run of Elden Ring. How bad can it be? Supporting me on Patreon is hugely appreciated and if you’d like to do that you can do so here [More]
Find full VOD here – https://www.twitch.tv/hyperioxes/ Blind run of the new trial – Sanity’s Edge, that’s currently on Public Test Server, playing as Arcanist tank ============= Timestamps ⏲️ ============= 0:00 Intro 0:22 Exarchanic Yaseyla 5:01 [More]
Some notes about the footage: – I played this right after the game came out, and I’d only seen the trailers and a bit of gameplay the developer showed off at some point. So beyond [More]
In Part 24 of this blind Dragon Age Inquisition gameplay walkthrough on the Xbox Series X we arrive at the temple and get to spending our hard earned rocks. | Please Like and Subscribe if [More]
In Part 25 of this blind Dragon Age Inquisition gameplay walkthrough on the Xbox Series X we head into what turns out to be the best area in the whole game. | Please Like and [More]
In Part 26 of this blind Dragon Age Inquisition gameplay walkthrough on the Xbox Series X we reach the end of the Fallow Mire and prepare for some heartburn tomorrow. | Please Like and Subscribe [More]
#blindpyscho #godofwarragnarok @Blind Psycho #goadofwar #gta5 #gta5online #gta5cars #gta5mods #gta5photography #gta5ous #gta5pics #gta5mc #gta5crews #gta5carmeets #gta5ps4 #gta5illest #gta5money #gta5pc #gta5outfits #gta5modder #gta5photos #gta5carmeet #gta5community #gta5roleplay #shooting_gta5 #gta5crew #gta5ride #gta5ps3 #gta5five #gta5mccommunity #gta5xboxone #gta5supercar #gta5moddedaccounts #gta5xbox [More]
Dragon Age: Inquisition is a 2014 action role-playing video game developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts. The third major game in the Dragon Age franchise, Inquisition is the sequel to Dragon Age II [More]
In Part 22 of this blind Dragon Age Inquisition gameplay walkthrough on the Xbox Series X it’s time to chat with Dorian and catch up with everyone else after the main mission. | Please Like [More]
Dragon Age: Inquisition is a 2014 action role-playing video game developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts. The third major game in the Dragon Age franchise, Inquisition is the sequel to Dragon Age II [More]
Dragon Age: Inquisition is a 2014 action role-playing video game developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts. The third major game in the Dragon Age franchise, Inquisition is the sequel to Dragon Age II [More]
In Part 15 of this blind Dragon Age Inquisition gameplay walkthrough on the Xbox Series X we meet two new companions and become enshrouded in purple mist. | Please Like and Subscribe if you enjoyed! [More]
Dragon Age: Inquisition is a 2014 action role-playing video game developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts. The third major game in the Dragon Age franchise, Inquisition is the sequel to Dragon Age II [More]
GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK, YO!!! | Final Fantasy 7 Remake Shorts [Blind Reaction] —————- I hope you’re having a Terarific day! Don’t forget to Subscribe, Like and Comment! You can find me here! Twitch: [More]
Dragon Age: Inquisition is a 2014 action role-playing video game developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts. The third major game in the Dragon Age franchise, Inquisition is the sequel to Dragon Age II [More]
Dragon Age: Inquisition is a 2014 action role-playing video game developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts. The third major game in the Dragon Age franchise, Inquisition is the sequel to Dragon Age II [More]
If the screen becomes disoriented in the middle of a quest or run, I will have to wait until I am done with the floor (if on Kladescope) or with the quest before I can [More]
If the screen becomes disoriented in the middle of a quest or run, I will have to wait until I am done with the floor (if on Kladescope) or with the quest before I can [More]
Welcome to my FIRST EVER playthrough of Metroid Prime!! Last year I was introduced to the Metroid series by playing through the entire 2D timeline leading up to the release of Metroid Dread. I had [More]
Video got stuck processing so I’m reuploading and hopefully it works this time. Join me on an intergalactic adventure as I roleplay through all three of the Mass Effect games contained in the legendary edition. [More]
►Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Mapocolops ►Discord: https://discord.gg/Jp2h6BVtkA ►Twitch: https://twitch.tv/mapocolops ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/mapocolops #StarWars #KOTOR2 #TheSithLords #RestoredContentMod
Join the shadows. Hopefully you enjoy! ►TWITTER: https://twitter.com/buckyboy2009 ►TWITCH: https://twitch.tv/buckyboy2009 ►FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/buckyboy2009 ►PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/buckyboy2009 ►Want a sneak peak of what we’re going to play? Have a suggestion? Check out the spreadsheet and leave your requests! [More]
If the screen becomes disoriented in the middle of a quest or run, I will have to wait until I am done with the floor (if on Kladescope) or with the quest before I can [More]
If the screen becomes disoriented in the middle of a quest or run, I will have to wait until I am done with the floor (if on Kladescope) or with the quest before I can [More]
Join me on an intergalactic adventure as I roleplay through all three of the Mass Effect games contained in the legendary edition. This will be a 99% blind playthrough so if you want to experience [More]
Liara’s Father & Rachni!! Mass Effect Legendary Edition is a compilation of the video games in the Mass Effect trilogy: Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, and Mass Effect 3. It was developed by BioWare and [More]
I originally was going to play this live with mic and better quality recording when I officially debuted on my Vtuber account. However that’s never going to happen as the game is closing this year [More]
YOU DIDN”T TELL ME ABOUT THIS SPECIES! Mass Effect 2 Legendary Edition Blind Gameplay – Part 38 We’re up against unidentified monsters…love that. Help the animals of Greece: https://www.straysofgreece.org/ https://animalrescuekos.weebly.com/ https://www.facebook.com/catsbecausewecare/ Hi guys! Today I’m [More]
I originally was going to play this live with mic and better quality recording when I officially debuted on my Vtuber account. However that’s never going to happen as the game is closing this year [More]
I hope you get my good side. Hopefully you enjoy! ►TWITTER: https://twitter.com/buckyboy2009 ►TWITCH: https://twitch.tv/buckyboy2009 ►FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/buckyboy2009 ►PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/buckyboy2009 ►Want a sneak peak of what we’re going to play? Have a suggestion? Check out the spreadsheet [More]