Hello guys. Welcome back to Alan Wake 2. First of all, Merry Christmas to you all, whenever you celebrate it. Im a Youtuber with a passion for HorrorGames, but who also play other games as [More]
The party is hunkering down for some well-deserved rest… But who is the crimson-robed figure awaiting in the forest? Thank you to @mashed for working with us on another animation! Winner of multiple Game Of [More]
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Playing games with your significant other is a magical thing! So we wanted to take the opportunity this holiday to suggest some of the co-op games we have loved playing as a couple! So whether [More]
In this video, I show you an evil build using The Dredge to steal everything away from survivors just like The Grinch in Dead By Daylight! Want to escape every game? Pick up some GFuel [More]