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Experience the mesmerizing unofficial main theme for Capcom’s upcoming game, Pragmata. This is a fan-made soundtrack and not affiliated with Capcom or the developers of Pragmata. Inspired by the trailers and concept art, this captivating [More]
Off the Grid is a new story-focused battle royale game from director Neill Blomkamp (District 9, Elysium) and writer Richard K. Morgan (Altered Carbon, Crysis). 150 players engage in PVP battles and PVE story missions, [More]
The Silmarillion – Teaser Trailer 2 – Concept Obviously because the rights to the books are still with the Tolkien estate no movies will be made anytime soon. However for a bit of fun I’ve [More]
Here’s my article about YAKUSHI: SLITTERHEAD – new game from the creators of “Silent Hill” and “Forbidden Siren”: http://forbidden-siren.ru/index/yakushi_slitterhead_trailer_concept_art_analysis/0-306 In this article i analyse the trailer, concept art and other currently available information about the [More]
*UNOFFICIAL FAN CONCEPT TRAILER, NOT A REAL VIDEOGAME. Project 007 is a brand new James Bond videogame currently in development at IO Interactive, the Hitman series developers. Can you imagine this game being developed under [More]
Marvel’s Wolverine Concept Trailer In this video, we provide the exclusive concept Trailer of one of the most anticipated game, Wolverine. This trailer is a concept that shows my idea of ​​how the Wolverine could [More]
#marvel #xmen #deadpool Marvel’s Wolverine Concept Trailer In this video, we provide the exclusive concept Trailer of one of the most anticipated game, Wolverine. This trailer is a concept that shows my idea of how [More]
Today we imagine how the upcoming Starfield gameplay could look like in Unreal Engine 5. Everything you see in this video is a real-time demonstration. Asset packs by Kimmo Kaunela: https://www.artstation.com/kimmokaunela #Starfield #gameplay #unrealengine5 *** [More]
WOW! PS5 Marvel’s Wolverine – 4K Gameplay Trailer Concept (SKizzle Reacts). ► Become a Member – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgiZs0J_0KaxmdccCUJuYdg/join ► Twitter – https://twitter.com/SKizzleAXE ► Dont Click This – https://amzn.to/3yhYn5E ► Instagram – http://instagram.com/skizzleaxe ► Second Channel – [More]
SCORPIUS is a fictional Third Person Stealth Shooter, running on XBOX platform. The game is based on IO Interactive’s Project 007, title part of the James Bond license. The idea behind this project has been [More]
Elden Ring Concept Art, Lords of the Fallen 2, Nioh 2, Top RPG News of the Week January 17, 2021. Happy weekend from Fextralife! If you’ve been too busy to keep up on the latest [More]