Top 5 Cool Scenes In Lord Of The Rings. Do You Agree With The List ? Let Me Know In The Comments #legolas #lordoftherings #thehobbit #middleearth #orlandobloom #lordoftherings #thehobbit #lordoftheringstvseason #amazon #newzealand #lotrseries #fantasy #LOTR [More]
First up is the Spider Swarm Pet! How would you like to have a swarm of spiders doing your bidding? These little guys find strength in numbers, with a max of 5, each with 6 [More]
Spiele für Steam, Uplay und Co. jetzt digital bei kaufen: (*) Im Rahmen der EA Originals arbeitet der Publisher mit Omega Force zusammen am Monster-Hunter-ähnlichem Action-Rollenspiel Wild Hearts. Das neue Spiel soll schon [More]
Got sent an early copy of Returnal, the upcoming PS5 exclusive from House Marque. I played through the first biome and yeah – this rocks. At least, so far. — Edited by Austin @ausomehd — [More]