Commander Shepard returns in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition! IGN’s Ryan McCaffrey and former US Gamer editor-in-chief Kat Bailey got a hands-off demo of the highly anticipated remaster of the sci-fi RPG trilogy and spoke with [More]
Today we look at how to make your own legendary dwellers. This all came up when a subscriber told me you could not pass on stats to babies and I did my research and found [More]
The Mass Effect trilogy has finally been bundled together in one package with Mass Effect Legendary Edition, but this collection is more than just a simple remaster. Check out 10 of the biggest new features [More]
We went through the Mass Effect Legendary Edition Trailer and matched as many shots as possible with the original games. It’s been nearly a decade and a half since the original Mass Effect was released, [More]
Mass Effect Legendary Edition is coming May 2021 and its bringing big changes to the beloved sci-fi RPG trilogy. Here are the biggest changes we know of so far. Sources below. Subscribe for more: [More]
Happy N7 Day! Relive Massive Effect with the Legendary Edition. Make your choices, your team, your Shepard. Mass Effect Legendary Edition arrives Spring 2021.
Pre-order now: Get an in-depth look at the visual upgrades you’ll experience when Mass Effect™ Legendary Edition launches May 14. Check out a side-by-side comparison of the stunning environmental, character, and visual effects improvements [More]
Take a look at the first trailer for Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, the 4K/HDR remaster of the Mass Effect trilogy that includes specific gameplay tweaks for Mass Effect 1. Mass Effect: Legendary Edition will be [More]
We got to see Mass Effect Legendary Edition recently, so Lucy breaks down every huge change BioWare are bringing to the remaster of the iconic franchise. The Mass Effect trilogy remaster has long been rumored, [More]
Mass Effect Legendary Edition (PC, PS4, Xbox One) is a remastered collection of the famous BioWare sci-fi trilogy. How is it? Let’s talk. #MassEffectLegendaryEdition #MassEffectRemastered Subscribe for more:… ↓↓ Buy Mass Effect: Watch [More]
ALRIGHT. I wasn’t going to do this, but thousands of you requested it so I’m re-running the Battle Royale Simulation with Legendary (and Mythical) Pokemon! Make sure you also check out the explanation at Lockstin’s [More]
Mass Effect Legendary Edition changes are looking impressive in this early access footage provided by BioWare which takes a look at improved Mako controls, a revamped Noveria, and combat changes in the original Mass Effect. [More]
Pre-order now: Relive the legend of Commander Shepard in the highly acclaimed Mass Effect trilogy with the Mass Effect™ Legendary Edition. Includes single-player base content and over 40 DLC from Mass Effect, Mass Effect [More]