Yamato vs Gustav. Some of you requested that and here it is! Can one of the biggest battleships beat the heavy railway gun? In the end, this has nothing to do with realism of course [More]
⬇️ Watch the FULL GAMEPLAYS on my *NEW* Let’s Play Channel ⬇️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTr1fTlg3nqxZ4m2Rdy58Hg Consider Subscribing to the Let’s Play Channel! ✅ BE SURE TO LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, AND HIT THE BELL! Follow my twitch account and [More]
Esta fue nuestra reseña sobre Ravenlok, disponible actualmente en el Xbox One, los Xbox Series X|S y la PC. Esperen otras reseñas en el futuro. Para comentarios o sugerencias, pueden contactarnos al correo: chubbybastards@gmail.com ¡Disfrútenla! [More]
Esta fue nuestra reseña sobre The Last Case of Benedict Fox, disponible actualmente en el Xbox One, los Xbox Series X|S y la PC. Esperen otras reseñas en el futuro. Para comentarios o sugerencias, pueden [More]
Inspiring cinematic Adopt Me short film of a small girl who dreamed to be a figure skater. Please accept this as an acted story / roleplay. The house shown in this video: https://youtu.be/U9VWmXs5z1I Roblox Links: [More]
https://www.patreon.com/worthabuy Greenman Gaming Link – http://www.greenmangaming.com/?tap_a=2283-5d2ea6&tap_s=6586-4b38de If the link is not visible use this condensed link below http://preview.tinyurl.com/y9uvofpp Paypal link is in Youtube banner on Youtube home page Streaming channel https://www.twitch.tv/worthabuy Twitter @worthabuygames Merchandise Shop: [More]
Galactic Timeline is a series of in-universe videos that provides backstory for the Star Wars: The Old Republic video game. They are presented in the form of record entries made in the Jedi Archives by [More]