Capcom is hosting a showcase, Dragon’s Dogma 2 is confirmed as is Exoprimal, but will we get anything for Monster Hunter? Want to support the stream? You can do so by hitting the Join button [More]
Wild Hearts was provided by EA for free to check out for you guys. We know many of you are really interested in the game so we want to show our gameplay with different weapons [More]
Wild Hearts was provided by EA for free to check out for you guys. We know many of you are really interested in the game so we want to provide some gameplay with different weapons [More]
Wild Hearts reviewed by Tom Marks on PlayStation 5, also available on PC and Xbox Series X|S. Koei Tecmo’s Omega Force manages to introduce plenty of fun new ideas to the Monster Hunter formula while [More]
Upgrade your wallet (or someone else’s) with Ridge Wallet! Visit to get up to 40% off your purchase, just in time for the holidays. Thanks Ridge for sponsoring the video. — Xbox follows Sony’s [More]