Scarlet Nexus || Phase 11 || Feeling Unraveled Time Together السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته مع تطور الشخصية التي ألعب به يصبح اللعب ممتع كلما تقدمت في الأحداث نتابع معا أطوار القصة الشيق واللعب الممتع [More]
This video comes from my live stream of Scarlet Nexus on Twitch. If you would like to check out my streams consider following me on Twitch! We stream every Mon, Wed, and Fri at [More]
Time to finally end this fight between me and Karen! (Or is it Yakumo?) Be sure to follow all social media platforms below to stay updated! Instagram: Twitch: Tiktok: Discord: Twitter: [More]
Please enjoy the content! I’m not super fancy but I try my best :3 Be sure to hit that like and subscriby button! Do the galaxy dance along the way! Hello guys not talking much [More]
A new series – Scarlet Nexus. Story of Yuito and Kasane, elite psionics each armed with a talent in psychokinesis and their own reason to fight. ═══════════════════════⊹⊱❖⊰⊹═══════════════════ OTHER SERIES:- SPIDER MAN REMASTERED – RDR [More]
Hi everyone, thank you for watching Scarlet Nexus gameplay, Hard Difficulty Kasane Randall/ Scarlet Nexus Boss Fight Hard Difficulty Please Subscribe, Like, and share if you like our video. More Scarlet Nexus gameplay videos coming [More]
So I tried out Scarlet Nexus for the first time and it’s a 10/10 for me, the overall game is good so far and I would recommend this game for anyone interested.
Parte 1: Comenzamos una Nueva Partida EX con la historia de Kasane y completamos el Prólogo y la Fase 1. Serie completa: Walkthrough en castellano / español de Scarlet Nexus, juego desarrollado y publicado [More]
Salut à toutes et à tous et bienvenue pour cette rediffusion du stream du Mardi 5/07/2022. Vous pouvez me rejoindre en live sur twitch : Et me rejoindre sur twitter avec le @RedNightVVolf J’espère [More]
#mephiof #Mephitries #scarletnexusletsplay Today i start my return with the greatest power of all. YEET!!! Watch as i play around with Scarlet Nexus^^ Timestamps: 1. intro 0:00 2. Choose your destiny 1:01 3. Jack in! [More]
Posted for non-monetary purpose!! I bought the Deluxe Edition and thought of sharing the whole OST, so yeah ill be uploading them all, till YouTube says no. Buy Scarlet Nexus here: Music Composer: [More]
Posted for non-monetary purpose!! I bought the Deluxe Edition and thought of sharing the whole OST, so yeah ill be uploading them all, till YouTube says no. edit: this is my favorite track. i dont [More]
La verdad, pues andaba medio aburrido y quise hacer este pequeño edit/”amv” sobre el videojuego Scarlet Nexus, ya que he visto que la mayoría son del anime y casi muy pocos del juego. Así que, [More]
Posted for non-monetary purpose!! I bought the Deluxe Edition and thought of sharing the whole OST, so yeah ill be uploading them all, till YouTube says no. Buy Scarlet Nexus here: Music Composer: [More]
Я вас поздравляю, сезон игрожура и режима “4 ролика в месяц” окончен. Scarlet Nexus отличное тому завершение Таймкоды: 00:00 – Здарова 03:57 – Что такое Scarlet Nexus 06:33 – Гемплей 13:30 – Сюжет(СПОЙЛЕРЫ) 16:25 – [More]
Here’s an exclusive look at some new gameplay from Scarlet Nexus and some details on how the game plays, abilities, story, characters & more! If you enjoyed the video, don’t forget to hit LIKE and [More]
Scarlet Nexus Review Impressions: Is the Anime ARPG Worth It? Gameplay – Before You Buy In this Scarlet Nexus Review Impressions, we will be discussing and taking a look at the upcoming action role-playing game [More]
Luego de una pequeña pausa por temas de E3 2021, regresamos al terreno de las reseñas con Scarlet Nexus, la nueva IP de Bandai Namco que apuesta a ser una de las grandes promesas de [More]
БРЕД КАК СПОСОБ УДЕРЖАНИЯ ИГРОКА❗ Скажу прямо: спустя 5-6 часов после начала прохождения, я хотел дропнуть Scarlet Nexus. И… как же всё-таки хорошо, что я этого не сделал и прошёл её до конца. Держите обзор [More]