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Bienvenidas y bienvenidos a Recarga Activa, el podcast diario de AnaitGames en el que filtramos lo más relevante de la actualidad del videojuego en pildorazos de 10-15 minutos: 1️⃣ Project Iron es lo nuevo de [More]
Les rumeurs persistantes sur le développement du prochain Fable agacent les développeurs… Ces derniers ont pris la parole récemment afin de rassurer les joueurs sur Fable 4 ! Que disent-ils ? On va voir ça [More]
Redfall is an open-world, single-player and co-op FPS from Arkane Austin, the award-winning team behind Prey and Dishonored. Continuing Arkane’s legacy of carefully crafted worlds and immersive sims, Redfall brings the studio’s signature gameplay to [More]
Xbox has hit the ground running in 2022 with a variety of announcements, news, and leaks. For starters, Ubisoft and Xbox have finally teamed up for a day one drop on Xbox Game Pass. The [More]
Prima occhiata alle nuove uscite del game pass in programma per Giugno 2022. 4 nuovi giochi piú un potenziale quinto che potrebbe rivoluzionare completamente la line up di questo mese!!! Presto disponibili sul gamepass per [More]
JUEGOS BARATOS AQUI 🤩 https://www.instant-gaming.com/?igr=monrgr -Pagina oficial https://bethesda.net/es/game/redfall -Pagina Xbox https://www.xbox.com/es-ES/games/redfall
Het is zo’n typische druilerige dag die je liefst binnen wilt doorbrengen. Nou dat kan. Hopelijk kunnen we jouw wat vrolijker maken met een nieuwe editie van het GK Journaal. Het tweewekelijkse item dat je [More]
SUSCRÍBETE http://goo.gl/NLo8mP​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ . https://twitter.com/bemoldemarmol​
#AdvancedGG #GodOfWar #TwistedMetal Viewer Discretion is Advised this week! 🙂 https://lordsofgaming.net/ Use Code “IRONLORD” to save 15% off thru 5/16 at (https://advanced.gg/?ref=LORDCOGNITO) 00:00 – ILP# 257 Pre-Show! 19:00 – ILP# 257 Show Start! Intro Video [More]
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/arbitrarywater
Call of Duty: Warzone is a free to play battle royale video game released on March 10, 2020, for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. CALL OF DUTY ” [More]
Call of Duty: Warzone is a free to play battle royale video game released on March 10, 2020, for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. CALL OF DUTY ” [More]
#Xbox #IGN #Halo In episode 128 of the Xbox Expansion Pass we welcome Dan Stapleton, Executive Editor of Reviews for IGN to discuss how IGN goes about reviewing games and the challenges of navigating that [More]
En este video hablo de lo poco que falta para que bethesda enseñe el Gameplay de Starfield y su fecha de lanzamiento se vuelva a confirmar aúnque ya se sepa también se comenta que podría [More]
En este video hablo de lo poco que falta para que bethesda enseñe el Gameplay de Starfield y su fecha de lanzamiento se vuelva a confirmar aúnque ya se sepa también se comenta que podría [More]
00:00 – Le Game Pass arrive sur Steam Deck grâce aux efforts communs de Microsoft et Valve. 02:53 – De nouvelles accusations contre Moon Studios 05:43 – Les dates de sorties de certains des jeux [More]
🔥 Juegos y Tarjetas Prepago Más Baratas: https://ene.ba/extas1s 📲 Descarga la APP de Eneba y vende juegos, consolas o PC’s: https://ene.ba/extas1sAPP Conviértete en miembro de este canal para disfrutar de ventajas: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC73oeqyggJxKkodiBYN0mwA/join Twitter: https://twitter.com/eXtas1stv Twitch: [More]
FORTNITE BATTLE ROYALE SEASON 4 IS TOO LIT I CANT COMPREHEND AJASDJANSJ ❱ Subscribe & never miss a Video – http://bit.ly/LachlanSubscribe ❱ Second Channel – https://www.youtube.com/LachlanPlayz ❱ Follow me on: Twitter! https://twitter.com/LachlanYT Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/LachlanTV Instagram: [More]
Watch the Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8 Battle Pass Trailer and visit https://www.epicgames.com/fortnite/battle-pass/cubed for more details. This is our Reality and we’re going to save it. We’ve got the best of the best on our [More]
Buy the Defiance Battle Pass and battle through Daily and Weekly Challenges to earn unique rewards like Legendary sets for Seer and Loba, Epic sets for Ash, Crypto and Lifeline, reactive skins for the Hemlok [More]
Hasbro’s TRANSFORMERS arrives in SMITE with an all-new Battle Pass! This crossover features three incredible TRANSFORMERS characters as Skins for community-loved Gods: Optimus Prime Geb, Starscream Jing Wei, and Megatron Ra. Available November 2021
We are definitely not in Hawkins anymore… We’re teaming up with Stranger Things for our next Battle Pass featuring Eleven Scylla, Hopper Apollo, The Demogorgon Bakasura, and The Mind Flayer Sylvanus! #SMITE #Netflix #StrangerThings Get [More]
Autobots, roll out! We’re teaming up with Transformers for our next Battle Pass featuring Starscream Jing Wei, Megatron Ra, and Optimus Prime Geb! #SMITE #Hasbro #Transformers Get social with us at: http://www.facebook.com/smitegame http://www.twitter.com/SmiteGame http://www.twitter.com/SmitePro Become [More]
Buy the Escape Battle Pass and battle through Daily and Weekly Challenges to earn cosmetic sets for Mirage, Gibraltar, Wraith, Loba and Revenant, as well two Reactive Prowlers and dozens of other unique rewards! At [More]
Buy the Battle Pass and battle through Daily and Weekly Challenges to earn unique rewards like cosmetic sets for Seer, Valkyrie, and Horizon, XP Boosts, music packs and more! At level 25, spread Valkyrie’s wings [More]
More Levels. More Loot. Still 950 V-Bucks. Battle Pass Season 3 available now in-game. Play Fortnite Battle Royale, the completely free 100-player PvP mode. One giant map, A Battle Bus, Last one standing wins. ESRB [More]
The SMITE x Avatar: The Last Airbender Battle Pass arrives in July 2020! Featuring the new Aang Merlin, Korra Skadi, and Zuko Susano skins, this Battle Pass is full of content based on the beloved [More]