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We had a great time with our last extended hands-on session with Lightyear Frontier, the cozy farming game that happens to put you in control of a giant mech, ahead of its March 19 release [More]
SUPPORT THE CHANNEL HERE Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/glock9 G9 STORE: https://glock9gamer.com FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA TWITTER: https://twitter.com/glock9gamer INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/glock9gamer #Nightingale #Preview Nightingale on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1928980/Nightingale/ “Nightingale is a PVE open-world survival crafting game played solo or [More]
Witchfire’s combat hits just the right stride between DOOM and Destiny, with fast-paced shooting that rewards chain kills and evasiveness and spells that are both powerful odds-eveners and clever utility pieces that helped me get [More]
Watch our Nightingale preview for the upcoming PvE open-world survival crafting RPG set in an all-new fantasy universe. Nightingale isn’t necessarily the game you’d expect from seasoned ex-Bioware devs, but the years of experience behind [More]
Love home makeovers? Dream of flipping houses? Play House Flip and explore the world of remodeling in a fun sims game. Renovate & design to your heart’s content! Remodel fixer uppers in different cities and [More]
Shooten und Looten. Sterben und besser werden. Doom trifft auf Dark Souls. Das neue Roguelite von The Astronauts gibt es seit dem 20. September 2023 exklusiv im Epic Game Store für PC. Wir verraten euch [More]
Hyper Light Breaker, the upcoming action roguelite prequel to Hyper Light Drifter, has impeccable vibes. It’s mysterious and colorful, movement feels good and combat satisfying, enemies are challenging, customization holds promise, and the music belongs [More]
Read the full preview here: https://noisypixel.net/teslagrad-2-preview/ Support the channel by using our affiliate link: https://amzn.to/33Ow7I8 Closing theme made by: Alex Valles Twitter: @Planeptunian Like the music? We use soundstripe.com for all of our tunes. Sign [More]
Solium Infernum is a simplified turn based strategy game, similar to games such as Civilization. The overlord of hell has gone missing and now all its factions are vying for the throne. You play one [More]
As a refreshed and reimagined update to a 2009 4X cult classic, Solium Infernum is sort of like Civilization set in the bowels of Hades – but with a greater emphasis on politics and, of [More]
In our final Redfall preview, we took a look at how slaying vampires changes when adding multiple players. We also explored vampire nests and took down some side quest mini-bosses. If you’re most interested in [More]
Tempest Rising is an upcoming RTS set on earth after a nuclear war. A strange vine with unique and powerful properties called “Tempest” has appeared all over the planet, with the potential to revolutionize warfare… [More]
Efficient communication. Superior tactical command. These are just a few of the pillars that comprise the GDF’s strategy to dominate the battlefield and control the tempest. This is the GDF Faction trailer, the faction whose [More]
Hands on with the new big game from 3D Realms Grab the demo here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1486920/?snr=1_5_9__205 Support this channel on: https://www.patreon.com/worthabuy Paypal: macksgamingworld@gmail.com https://www.subscribestar.com/worthabuy Greenman Gaming Link – https://greenmangaming.sjv.io/WDEJk3 Streaming channel https://www.twitch.tv/worthabuy Merchandise Shop: http://www.redbubble.com/people/worthabuy/shop/t-shirts?ref=artist_shop_product_refinement
Rediffusion de mon stream sur la version preview de Solium Infernum. La copie du jeu utilisée dans cette vidéo m’a été fournie gratuitement par le développeur/éditeur. http://www.twitch.tv/akwartz http://twitter.com/Akwartz Solium Infernum sur Steam : https://store.steampowered.com/app/1893810/Solium_Infernum/ #SoliumInfernum
Stumpt plays Moving Out! We have to help move people out of homes, offices… sometimes across a frogger like level! ► Follow us: ●Twitch: http://twitch.tv/stumptgamers ●Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/stumpt ●Website: https://stumpt.tv ●Discord: https://discord.gg/stumpt ●Twitter: http://twitter.com/stumptgames ●Stumpt Gamers: [More]
Watch our Avatar Frontiers of Pandora preview. Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora has the recognisable skeleton of a Far Cry game, but it builds atop that with interesting jungle parkour and hunting systems. Here are our [More]
Final Fantasy 7 Remake followed the structure of the original nearly to a tee, while also making small but significant changes to key moments. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has the unenviable task of picking up this [More]
We reacted to Wrath a while back but now… NOW we got the chance to play the early access preview! Let’s get in to it OUTLANDER! 👍 I do a few GGRC videos a week, [More]
Yes, it’s finally happening! With a much more interesting story than I was expecting, some really appetizing RPG systems in place, and smooth and entertaining naval combat, Skull & Bones is looking pretty darn fun [More]
We played around 12 hours of Wild Hearts, a new monster hunting game from the studio known for the Dynasty Warriors franchise, Koei Tecmo’s Omega Force. This beautiful game is shaping up to be a [More]
After getting about an hour of hands-on time with Forspoken gameplay, we were left excited to see more. A recent Forspoken trailer has gotten many excited after showing off gameplay that looks fast-paced and varied, [More]
Leave a Tip here: https://streamelements.com/fightincowboy-3908/tip Become a YouTube member: https://www.youtube.com/fightincowboy/join Livestreams are daily and can always be found at https://youtube.com/fightincowboy/live Discord: https://discord.gg/fightincowboy Twitter: https://twitter.com/fightincowboy Use code FIGHTINCOWBOY to get a discount on any of your [More]
Preview Gameplay de #TortugaAPirate’sTale Dispo sur #PS5 #xboxseriesx & PC ainsi que Old Gen Console Chaîne Spécialisée I Preview I Critique I Test FR I Review I Avis I Impressions Abonne-toi si tu veux des [More]
Flintlock Siege Of Dawn Preview | Flintlock Siege Of Dawn Trailer | Flintlock Siege Of Dawn Soulslike Action Rpg | Homepage: https://www.playflintlock.com/ Hier zur Wishlist : https://store.steampowered.com/app/1832040/Flintlock_The_Siege_of_Dawn/ Schließe dich dem letzten Widerstand der Menschheit an [More]
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora is releasing in December 2023! A first-person open-world Avatar game… this is actually shaping up pretty nicely! Vlog channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/trevandchels Super Cooper channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/supercooper Super Cooper shorts: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKMA8kHZ8bPYpnMNaUSxfEQ Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tmartn Facebook: [More]
Forspoken has fun traversal and combat, but it isn’t reinventing the open-world wheel. #gaming #Forspoken #gamespot #SquareEnix #JRPG If you imagine Spider-Man, Marvel’s super-agile superhero, slinging a variety of deadly magic spells rather than webs, [More]
Bloodworth and Brad got a hands-off demo of the next title from the makers of Ashen, and they sit down to discuss their impressions of Flintlock’s rhythmic combat, gunpowder abilities, bosses, exploration, and your fox-like [More]
Please take a second to check our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/noisypixel Read the full preview here: https://noisypixel.net/el-paso-elsewhere-preview/ Support the channel by using our affiliate link: https://amzn.to/33Ow7I8 Closing theme made by: Alex Valles Twitter: @Planeptunian Like the music? [More]
We had one last hands-on look at One Piece Odyssey ahead of its January 12, 2023 release date, and we came away feeling keen to continue our pirate adventure with the Straw Hat crew! Previewed [More]
We’re happy to bring you a taste of the first 60-90 minutes of gameplay for this upcoming platforming adventure game from Rain Games and Modus Games. As young teslamancer Lumina, you’ll harness the power of [More]
Greetings Indie Warriors and welcome to our preview of El Paso, Elsewhere on Steam/PC! El Paso, Elsewhere is a third person action shooter releasing later in 2023 on PC and Xbox! #indiegames #indiegaming #gaming *A [More]
Vire um Membro do Canal e Receba Vídeos Exclusivos – [https://bit.ly/MembroLucky] Hoje dando uma conferida no Preview exclusivo de Deliver Us Mars no PC, continuação de Deliver Us The Moon, agora vamos explorar o planeta [More]
▶️ Soutenir mon activité : https://www.patreon.com/exserv le jeu du jour : #atlasfallen Et salut à tous ! Petite vidéo d’impressions après quelques semaines de pause, je ne suis pas encore vraiment de retour, ça sera [More]
Atlas Fallen Gameplay Preview Hands-On Impressions – Action Role Playing Game In this Atlas Fallen video, we will go in deep as we explore the epic adventure set in a unique fantasy world teeming with [More]