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Scarlet Nexus || Phase 11 || Feeling Unraveled Time Together السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته مع تطور الشخصية التي ألعب به يصبح اللعب ممتع كلما تقدمت في الأحداث نتابع معا أطوار القصة الشيق واللعب الممتع [More]
This video comes from my live stream of Scarlet Nexus on Twitch. If you would like to check out my streams consider following me on Twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/xcutelittleangelx We stream every Mon, Wed, and Fri at [More]
Time to finally end this fight between me and Karen! (Or is it Yakumo?) Be sure to follow all social media platforms below to stay updated! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hrplive/ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/hrplive Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@hrplive01 Discord: https://discord.gg/vGY2nT3x Twitter: [More]
In this video, I go over the new mechanic replacing the Dynamax mechanic in Sword and Shield, The Terastal effect. The Terastal Effect allows you to Terastalize one of your Pokemon each battle, changing it’s [More]
The 100% MUST WATCH TERA TYPE VIDEO For Pokemon Scarlet and Violet! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-MxdLO6al0&list=PLMMSpLODYMftyLw3YOaRrVKvneBh5tb-E&index=1 Junichi Masuda is currently on a Pokemon Business Trip. This lines up for exclusive Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Gameplay and new Pokemon [More]
NEW Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet leaks! The newest generation 9 leaks give us new leaked pokemon evolution details! We have new design leaks and much more! Let’s take a look at the latest Pokemon [More]
Please enjoy the content! I’m not super fancy but I try my best :3 Be sure to hit that like and subscriby button! Do the galaxy dance along the way! Hello guys not talking much [More]
A new series – Scarlet Nexus. Story of Yuito and Kasane, elite psionics each armed with a talent in psychokinesis and their own reason to fight. ═══════════════════════⊹⊱❖⊰⊹═══════════════════ OTHER SERIES:- SPIDER MAN REMASTERED – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPoiOoVk9rYuKYezx-QVkp_agf_aq5EEc RDR [More]
A sudden drop of a new mon is here!! Just a quick little video reacting to the design and behavior of this new specimen. What do you guys think of this new Pokémon??? What game [More]
#PokemonViolet #PokemonScarlet #PokemonLeaks #rsmario On todays episode of Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet leaks we have an explanation on what are Paradox Pokémon or Paradox Forms. Timestamps 00:00 Intro 01:54 Abilities Nerfed 03:36 Gym Leader [More]
LIKE and SUBSCRIBE with NOTIFICATIONS ON if you enjoyed the video! 👍 SUBSCRIBE HERE ——– https://bit.ly/333ROJi Thanks for watching! NalgaVille Community Discord: https://discord.gg/gRGBS6ntEW vvv Social Media Links! vvv TWITCH ➤ https://www.twitch.tv/DarthVald0 TIKTOK ➤ https://www.tiktok.com/@DarthVald0?la… TWITTER [More]
As Pokemon Worlds 2022 came to a close, Pokemon blessed us with a new Pokemon reveal in the VG Trailer! Here is the trailer with our reaction and breakdown! Pokemon – https://scarletviolet.pokemon.com Want the best [More]
teman-teman dukung aku ya, semoa aku tetap semangat dengan donasi sbb: https://trakteer.id/egaprasetya
Hi everyone, thank you for watching Scarlet Nexus gameplay, Hard Difficulty Kasane Randall/ Scarlet Nexus Boss Fight Hard Difficulty Please Subscribe, Like, and share if you like our video. More Scarlet Nexus gameplay videos coming [More]
✔️NUEVO EVENTO REGALO MISTERIOSO POKEMON LEGENDS ARCEUS Y DIAMANTE BRILLANTE PERLA RELUCIENTE CANAL SECUNDARIO : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZuRLZeqBaECdBHyWCQGTsQ DISCORD: https://discord.gg/AZNNNA5ap6 PAGINA WEB: https://kolashoficial.com AQUI COMPRO LOS POKEMON : https://superpokemaster.selly.store/ https://shoppy.gg/@Pokemaster PARTICIPA AQUI https://discord.gg/wVhEcwU2aQ Conviértete en miembro de [More]
Subscribe so you don’t miss out on Pokemon News!: http://bit.ly/2qxch43 #shorts #PokemonScarlet #Pokemon #aDrive #Gen9 #StarterPokemon Subscribe Here!: http://bit.ly/2qxch43 My Channel (MAIN) : http://www.youtube.com/xaDr1v3 Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/aDrivetK Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/aDrivetK Daily Twitch Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/aDrive Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/aDrive_tK aDriveLIVE [More]
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet blurry images and whispered intelligence have been ALL OVER the internet! As the game’s launch on Nintendo Switch approaches, we’re sure to learn more and more as the days go one, [More]
Subscribe so you don’t miss out on Pokemon News!: http://bit.ly/2qxch43 #shorts #PokemonScarlet #Pokemon #aDrive #Gen9 #StarterPokemon Subscribe Here!: http://bit.ly/2qxch43 My Channel (MAIN) : http://www.youtube.com/xaDr1v3 Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/aDrivetK Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/aDrivetK Daily Twitch Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/aDrive Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/aDrive_tK aDriveLIVE [More]
Though we have over 90 Pokemon confirmed for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s regional dex, we have some Pokemon deconfirmed to be in Scarlet and Violet due to the lack of the National Dex including all [More]
UNPOPULAR Pokemon Scarlet and Violet OPINIONS… We all have them, we all crave them, we all scroll through social media and see wild opinions we disagree with, and far out opinions we label “based”, these [More]
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet news has been dry for a month since the second trailer but a new leak may have just provided images of the gym leaders, your rival character, new pokemon and more! [More]
● Business Contact ► SacredAlmighty96@gmail.com (Sponsor Opportunities) Other Channels ● OFFICIAL Website ► https://www.sacredalmighty.com/signup ● Gaming Channel ► https://www.youtube.com/c/SacredXL ● OFFICIAL Merch Store ► https://sfdesigns-shop.fourthwall.com Social Media ● Watch me LIVE ► https://www.twitch.tv/sacredalmighty ● Follow [More]
#pokemonscarlet #pokemonviolet #pokemonleaks Enjoy the video? Leave a like and subscribe so you don’t miss out on more content https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXOtU8wIOlYwocxc8mon05g Join the discord to stay up to date with the channel https://discord.gg/hmSzFxCZ86 Channel logo made [More]
So I tried out Scarlet Nexus for the first time and it’s a 10/10 for me, the overall game is good so far and I would recommend this game for anyone interested.
Parte 1: Comenzamos una Nueva Partida EX con la historia de Kasane y completamos el Prólogo y la Fase 1. Serie completa: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKxQznOtbjmtU2G_dSFbVx9Y2CZ4TRLCn Walkthrough en castellano / español de Scarlet Nexus, juego desarrollado y publicado [More]
Salut à toutes et à tous et bienvenue pour cette rediffusion du stream du Mardi 5/07/2022. Vous pouvez me rejoindre en live sur twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/rednightvvolf Et me rejoindre sur twitter avec le @RedNightVVolf J’espère [More]
#mephiof #Mephitries #scarletnexusletsplay Today i start my return with the greatest power of all. YEET!!! Watch as i play around with Scarlet Nexus^^ Timestamps: 1. intro 0:00 2. Choose your destiny 1:01 3. Jack in! [More]
※この動画はネタバレありです、ご注意下さい。 怖すぎてほとんど何も話せませんでしたw タイトル :SCARLET NEXUS (スカーレットネクサス) 発売 :2021年6月24日(木) STEAMⓇ版:2021年6月25日(金) Windows版:2021年9月30日(木) プラットフォーム :Xbox Series X|S / Xbox One ( SMART DELIVERY 対応 ) / PlayStation®5 / PlayStation®4 / STEAM® / Windows ( Xbox Play Anywhere 対応 [More]