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Welcome back everyone! DMC Back with another upload again covering the game awards and i think this is one tnat has slipped under the radar.. SLITTERFACE!!!! If you enjoy what you see and wanna see [More]
Seid LIVE dabei: http://www.twitch.tv/nobodyskid Info: Den aktuellen Stream Sendeplan findet Ihr immer in unserem Discord! https://discord.gg/7EPG7Vr ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Folge NobodysKid: https://linktr.ee/NobodysKid Twitch – http://www.Twitch.tv/Nobodyskid TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@nbykid Podcast – https://spoti.fi/3fDGIOs Instagram – http://www.Instagram.de/NBYKID Discord: https://discord.gg/7EPG7Vr Twitter [More]
#BGS #BokehGameStudio #野狗子 Ну, вот мы, любители хорроров, и дождались маэстро. Кеичиро Тояма ещё ни разу не подводил фанатов, поэтому скорее всего нас будет ждать если не шедевр, то крайне хорошая игра уж точно! Группа [More]
Slitterhead – Reveal Trailer _ Game Awards 2021(720P_HD)
Silent Hill’in yaratıcısından Bokeh Game Studio’nun yeni oyunu Slitterhead’e ilk bakış. Bu oyun, Japonya’da kendi stüdyosunu yapmak için Silent Hill projesinden ayrıldıktan sonra yaratıcısının köklerine geri dönüyor. Slitterhead, 2021 Oyun Ödülleri Canlı Yayını sırasında ortaya [More]
Gaming War Hub Channel 😊❤️💯 Subscribe to my channal all new games PFS games Android Games and PC games PFS available for my channal 😍
In this video, we analyze and breakdown the Slitterhead Teaser Trailer and see if we can find out more about the story since Bokeh Game Studio Inc haven’t told us much about it yet. 📝Feel [More]
Willkommen zu einem neuen Format hier. Über das Game Slitterhead ist noch nicht all zu viel bekannt, auch eine festes Veröffentlichungsdatum gibt es noch nicht. Auf jeden Fall sind 3 Leute vom Team Silent Hill [More]
A new horror game helmed by Silent Hill creator Keiichiro Toyama was announced at The Game Awards, and it’s got a heck of a name: Slitterhead. It’s in development at Toyama’s newly founded Bokeh Game [More]
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Slitterhead | Reveal Trailer Game Awards 2021 If you enjoyed the video, please leave a Like, Subscribe or Share with your friends! – The Game Awards 2021: https://bit.ly/TGA-2021 – The Game Awards 2020: https://bit.ly/TGA-20 – [More]
Here’s my article about YAKUSHI: SLITTERHEAD – new game from the creators of “Silent Hill” and “Forbidden Siren”: http://forbidden-siren.ru/index/yakushi_slitterhead_trailer_concept_art_analysis/0-306 In this article i analyse the trailer, concept art and other currently available information about the [More]
It’s been a while since Gamers have had an exciting horror game to play. But lately, the fans of the genre are in luck. In 2021 Keiichiro Toyama announced that Bokeh Game Studio was developing [More]
Slitterhead 2023 / PC, PS4, PS5, XONE, XSX – Official Trailer Slitterhead is a third-person horror action-adventure game from the author of the original Silent Hill. Slitterhead is an adventure, horror and action game developed [More]
Be sure to subscribe to Haptic Intel for more reactions like this LIVE!
Yo wth is going on…Nah bruh this too CRAZY!! Follow me on Social Media Below INSTAGRAM- https://www.instagram.com/xmademenxmelo FACEBOOK- https://www.facebook.com/MadeMenMelo TWITTER- https://twitter.com/LazyEyezz TWITCH- https://www.twitch.tv/xxmelomanxx Original Video Link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Dj2edcrr_0 #Slitterhead #trailer
Slitterhead, another Silent Hill Type beat as for as horror games go from Silent Hill game director Keiichiro Toyama. Enjoy this reaction to the trailer from the 2021 Game Awards. Slitterhead Reveal Trailer I’m someone [More]
YOUTUBERS REAGINDO AO SLITTERHEAD NO THE GAME AWARDS 2021 00:00 BRKsEDU 01:34 Sidão do Game 03:09 Calango 04:30 Rato Borrachudo 06:11 Patriota 07:45 Rodrigo Baltar 09:18 Funky Black Cat BRKsEDU – https://www.youtube.com/user/BRKsEDU Sidão do Game [More]
Официальный премьерный трейлер игры Slitterhead на английском языке с мероприятия The Game Awards 2021 Спасибо за просмотр и лайк! (= Все платформы: TBA Дата выхода: TBD —————————————————————– The Game Awards 2021 | https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4lIRAbX4L65tfdTIEZvBnmcNhFiq_jmm The Game [More]
Le créateur de SILENT HILL annonce Slitterhead • Official TRAILER ⚡ Game Awards Trailer 2021 #GameAwards #Trailer
Slitterhead Reveal – Trailer, Game Awards 2021
Slitterhead – Reveal Trailer _ Game (720)AGL Hello friends welcome to our channel AMOLGAMEZLIVE today we play Slitterhead – Reveal Trailer _ Game (720)AGL Subscribe to our channel AMOLGAMEZLIVE ❤️ #Slitterhead #RevealTrailer
Yes Slitterhead brilliant upcoming game from the director of Silent Hill, enjoy.
First look at Bokeh Game Studio’s new game, Slitterhead reveal trailer from the creator of Silent Hill, Keiichiro Toyama. This game goes back to the creator’s roots after leaving the Silent Hill project to make [More]
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Slitterhead developer, Bokeh Game Studio answer some of your burning questions about their upcoming horror game. Silent Hill creator, Keiichiro Toyama also says that he’d like to someday return to psychological horror and create another [More]
Bokeh Game Studio founders sat for a Q&A session with questions received through social media.
Скачать Genshin Impact можно по https://hoyo.link/b2d3SBA6 Genshin Impact получил награду Game Award за лучшую мобильную игру 2021 года. Бонусный код с Камнями Истока в видео. Создатели Slitterhead поделились новыми подробностями об игре; Steam Deck вышла [More]
Slitterhead is the first project from Bokeh Game Studio, the company started by Silent Hill and Gravity Rush creator Keiichiro Toyam Games Info: Developers: Bokeh Game Studio Release Date: TBA Platforms: TBA Genres: Adventure, Horror [More]