Check out 12 minutes of Final Fantasy 16 gameplay, featuring a giant, kaiju-like fight between Final Fantasy 16 characters Garuda and Ifrit! Please note: Contents shown on the screen are from a special version made [More]
FFXV All the Summons and summon secondary attacks in FF15. Some summons have 2 attack animations, and Titan has 3. This video will show you all the summon attacks and secret secondary summon attacks Includes: [More]
Old video, but still relevant. I’ll probably do a couple more summoning videos and maybe a mega summon. I still have a lot of resources left to summon. If only the limited banner units were [More]
My very first video on Dragalia Lost! Summoning on original banner and testing my luck with a combined 10000+ currency! Title: 10000+ DIAMANTIUM/WYRMITE SUMMONS! Dragalia Lost FIRST Summon Video! Game: Dragalia Lost My Twitter: [More]
Hey guys, today we’re playing Nintendo”s newest game Dragalia Lost! It’s actually super fun, and I’d put it in the Action RPG genre, quite hack and slashy as well. Support: Twitter: Subscribe to [More]
Come join us streaming and chatting! All notifications will be sent through Twitter and Discord. ♪ ♪ Discord: ♪ Twitter: ♪ MFC: ♪ Instagram: ♪ FFXIV Spreadsheet: ♪ Credit [More]