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WE GET SAQUON BARKLEY, ADAM THIELEN, & CLOWNEY AND GET INTO THREE GAMES! Subscribe:http://bit.ly/Sub2KayKayEs Watch my other videos! http://bit.ly/MoreKayKayEs Follow KayKayEs: Twitter: https://twitter.com/KayKayEsss Instagram: https://instagram.com/KayKayEs Twitch: https://twitch.tv/kaykayes
WE COMMIT & SIGN TO A NCAA TEAM AND GET INTO OUR FIRST GAME AFTER 4 YEARS ON THE BENCH! Subscribe:http://bit.ly/Sub2KayKayEs Watch my other videos! http://bit.ly/MoreKayKayEs {VIDEO Description} Follow KayKayEs: Twitter: https://twitter.com/KayKayEsss Instagram: https://instagram.com/KayKayEs Twitch: [More]
SUBSCRIBE ► http://bit.ly/ScreenTeam If you like our video, Hulk Smash the Like Button! Check out our Best of Screen Team playlist! ► http://bit.ly/BestOfST Dedicated to my dad Andy Griffin, who passed away this year from [More]
MICHAEL VICKINGTON! Subscribe:http://bit.ly/Sub2KayKayEs Watch my other videos! http://bit.ly/MoreKayKayEs Follow KayKayEs: Twitter: https://twitter.com/KayKayEsss Instagram: https://instagram.com/KayKayEs Twitch: https://twitch.tv/kaykayes
LAMAR PUT THE TEAM ON HIS BACK DOE Subscribe:http://bit.ly/Sub2KayKayEs Watch my other videos! http://bit.ly/MoreKayKayEs Follow KayKayEs: Twitter: https://twitter.com/KayKayEsss Instagram: https://instagram.com/KayKayEs Twitch: https://twitch.tv/kaykayes
WE GET SOME OF THE GREATEST DRAFTS! Subscribe:http://bit.ly/Sub2KayKayEs Watch my other videos! http://bit.ly/MoreKayKayEs Follow KayKayEs: Twitter: https://twitter.com/KayKayEsss Instagram: https://instagram.com/KayKayEs Twitch: https://twitch.tv/kaykayes
WE DRAFT THE BEST TEAM! Subscribe:http://bit.ly/Sub2KayKayEs Watch my other videos! http://bit.ly/MoreKayKayEs Follow KayKayEs: Twitter: https://twitter.com/KayKayEsss Instagram: https://instagram.com/KayKayEs Twitch: https://twitch.tv/kaykayes
GO FOLLOW ME ON SOCIALS OR ELSE IMMA POWERBOMB YOU THROUGH A TABLE 🙂 Subscribe:http://bit.ly/Sub2KayKayEs Watch my other videos! http://bit.ly/MoreKayKayEs Follow KayKayEs: Twitter: https://twitter.com/KayKayEsss Instagram: https://instagram.com/KayKayEs Twitch: https://twitch.tv/kaykayes
PLAYOFFS TODD GURLEY BREAKS EVERYONES ANKLES! We get the new Todd Gurley, Conklin, and Cameron Jordan! We then hop into two games to see how they do! Like, comment, SUBSCRIBE! TWITCH:https://www.twitch.tv/kaykayes FOLLOW MY LIFE HERE: [More]