Hey guys, this is our first HM clear of the first boss in Sanity’s Edge with the group Salvation. Unfortunately the fight is laggy and drops in fps at times, but that’s just the PTS.
This Exarchanic Yaseyla fight was from a previous iteration of the hard mode where the wamasu charges were near-instantaneous. Since the previous iteration, the wamasu charges now wind up more noticeably. If ESO Patch Notes [More]
I generally don’t upload POVs, but it’s become a tradition for me to upload at least one VOD from each team I’ve raided with. Unfortunately, LIMIT’s time is drawing to a close, with various members [More]
Find full VOD here – https://www.twitch.tv/hyperioxes/ First boss of Sanity’s Edge Trial – Exarchanic Yaseyla, completed in Hard Mode difficulty ============= Last words ✨ ============= You can find ESOUniversity discord here ➤ https://discord.com/invite/ESOU Thanks for [More]