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The FGTEEV 8-Player Smash Battle w/ Amiibo (Super Smash Bros Wii U Part 8 Face Cam Gameplay)

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In part 5 we did 5 players so in part 8 it’s only right we try out 8 players for the first time. Mom, Dad, Lex, Mike, Chase, Donkey Kong Amiibo w/ Villager and Kirby!

Thumbs up for more Super Smash Bros Wii U!

Part 7: Dad & Son vs. LEVEL 50 BOSS Amiibo: http://youtu.be/cNBKZHZixqg

Part 6: Lexi fights Dark Pit: http://youtu.be/D5_tiUG04aI

Part 5: FGTEEV 5 Player Mii Family Battle: http://youtu.be/gCuUkDDkCoc

Part 4: Mike vs. Lucina: http://youtu.be/7CBpiIQB-os

Lets Play Super Smas:h Bros part 3: A Stinky Wario Battle: http://youtu.be/LvIMfn46ToE

Lets Play Super Smash Bros part 2: Dad vs. Bro vis. Sis w/ FALCO: http://youtu.be/UT4y-96Dnko

Lets Play Super Smash Bros part 1: Mom vs. Dad vs. Chase : http://youtu.be/q6fw3XvfakM

Our Fun Amiibo Shopping, Unboxing and Surprise Video: http://youtu.be/ahCdQntQX0U

Super Smash Bros Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYqGY_-rT9bOWtKqbCLaHdbx-D7gGL3lm


Beba Ba Leep Bop Beleeda Bop Pllllhhh!
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