REMEMBER the version shown in the video is probably already outdated. USE THE FILES LINKED IN DESCRIPTION/PINNED IN TOP COMMENT.
The “Last Case of Benedict Fox” 100% map took over 20 hours to make and features:
All anchors (achievement is bugged)
All kogai door solutions
All directional symbol solutions
All chess puzzle solutions
All tarot card locations
All tarot card door solutions (the arrow means inverted)
All document locations
All Camp locations and safe solutions (plus rewards)
All three Inquisitor/Inquisition Zone locations
All weapon upgrade itemlocations (blue borders)
All broken record piece locations
All broken amulet piece locations (get all four for an extra health pip)
All record memoir locations (get all five and listen for a trophy)
Lots of trophies listed
Shop and upgrades listed (had to guess at costs for some because of the discount being applied before I’d bought out the store)
All rift locations and solutions (plus rewards)
All special door types
All locations where the flashlight is needed
All tattoo costs and special effects in magenta if they’re a classic MV power
Golemquest item locations
Solution to mirror puzzle for La Femme Fatale
Note about the point of no return and how it locks you into an endgame state — apparently there are technically two points of no return as you can do MIRAGE before THE OLD SPIDER so there should be a second PoNR over in James’ Limbo, but I didn’t do it in that order so… Will add it on if/when I do a second run.
There’s a readme/changelog in the googledrive which includes updates and future plans.
The Map
HQ Version = In my store @ PWYW: £1.50 minimum. I lose about 50p from processing fees.
NQ version = in my GoogleDrive @
If you found this video entertaining (or my Metroidvania maps useful) and want to support my video/map-making efforts, please consider making a donation to my ko-fi ►►► @
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#BenedictFox #metroidvania #map
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