Deep Silver Volition is releasing a new Saints Row game… eventually and I hold the particular opinion that the changes made to the game are so extreme they would have been better off making a new IP rather than using the Saints Row name on a game being marketed as a kids game.
Tune in as I SHADOWPRIME3000 go into deeper detail on my opinion and respond to some users on reddit who hold a different opinion than me, which if your new here, is indeed illegal and worse than treason!
You don’t need to agree with me on this, the video isn’t made for the approval of others and is only for fun, if you disagree, voice it in the comments but keep and mind its all for fun. Lastly if you like the game don’t pre order it, wait for it to come out and buy it, or do what you want.
Thank You For Watching
Music Credit:
Prod. Riddiman
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